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MDARD Specialty Crop Block Grant 

Agribusiness Talent Council ap travay pou adrese bezwen fòmasyon endistri komen yo epi devlope lidèchip nan endistri agribiznis la. Pou atenn objektif sa a, n ap kowòdone fon Fòmasyon MDARD Specialty Crop Bock Grant (SCBG) pou sekirite manje ak lidèchip.  


Kiltivatè ki elijib yo dwe nan sèt rejyon West Michigan Works!’ epi pouse rekòt sou lis defini MDARD la.negosyan rekòt espesyalite elijib yo. 


Asistans pou konfòmite travay agrikòl ki te apwouve davans gen ladan:

Fòmasyon sou sekirite manje ki te apwouve davans yo enkli:  

  • FSMA PCQI Pati 1 - Illinois Enstiti Teknoloji

  • FSMA PCQI Pati 2 -Inivèsite Eta Michigan / Ekstansyon

  • HACCP -Inivèsite Eta Michigan / Ekstansyon

  • GAP/Gwoup Gap -Inivèsite Cornell


Fòmasyon lidèchip ki te apwouve davans  gen ladann:

  • Sipèvizè Bootcamp - Solisyon Fòmasyon Frontline


Ranpli Aplikasyon MDARD SCBG a epi retounen l anvan 10 mwa anvan fòmasyon w la pran pou w konsidere.ered pou ranbousman.  


Si yo apwouve aplikasyon w lan, ou dwe siyen yon akò sibvansyon, bay W-9 ou a ak prèv konpansasyon travayè ak asirans responsablite anvan fòmasyon an kòmanse.  


Imèl aplikasyon an oswa kesyon yo ba Karrie Brown, Dirijan Konsèy Talent Agribusiness

Reading slots are sorted by county first, then date. Select the location and time that work best for you. Feel free to sign up for more than one timeslot. 


Interested in being a volunteer? Visit the link below to sign up today!


Volunteer readers can click on either book cover below to hear a reading of the story. This year's books are:

3rd - 5th grade

K - 2nd grade ​


Tales of the Dairy Godmother-Chuck's Ice Cream Wish


The Tree Farmer

Together, we’re connecting agribusiness professionals with local elementary classrooms to teach students about agriculture and its impact on their lives. Educators will also receive a copy of the book and students will receive an Ag Mag on the topic to take home!

© 2020 West Michigan Works!

West Michigan ap travay! se yon divizyon ACSET, yon anplwayè/pwogram egalite ak yon patnè fyè nan rezo American Job Center. Èd ak sèvis oksilyè disponib sou demann pou moun ki gen andikap. West Michigan ap travay! se finansman leta ak federal ki sipòte; plis detay nan

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