MDARD 特种作物块补助金
农业企业人才委员会致力于解决常见的行业培训需求并培养农业企业行业内的领导力。为了实现这一目标,我们正在协调 MDARD 特种作物博克补助金 (SCBG) 食品安全和领导力培训基金。
符合资格的种植者必须位于 West Michigan Works!’ 的七个县地区,并种植 MDARD 定义的作物清单中的作物符合条件的特种作物商品。
农业就业合规指南 - 瓦努姆法则
FSMA PCQI 第 1 部分 - 伊利诺伊理工学院
FSMA PCQI 第 2 部分 -密歇根州立大学/延期
危害分析及关键控制点 -密歇根州立大学/延期
差距/组差距 -康奈尔大学
主管训练营 - 一线培训解决方案
填写 MDARD SCBG 申请表,并在您考虑接受培训之前的当月 10 日之前将其返还要求报销。
如果您的申请获得批准,您必须在培训开始前签署资助协议、提供您的 W-9 以及工人补偿和责任保险证明。
通过电子邮件将申请表或问题发送给农业企业人才委员会负责人 Karrie Brown:kbrown@westmiworks.org.
Reading slots are sorted by county first, then date. Select the location and time that work best for you. Feel free to sign up for more than one timeslot.
Interested in being a volunteer? Visit the link below to sign up today!
Volunteer readers can click on either book cover below to hear a reading of the story. This year's books are:
3rd - 5th grade
K - 2nd grade
Tales of the Dairy Godmother-Chuck's Ice Cream Wish
The Tree Farmer
Together, we’re connecting agribusiness professionals with local elementary classrooms to teach students about agriculture and its impact on their lives. Educators will also receive a copy of the book and students will receive an Ag Mag on the topic to take home!